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세계 협력교단들의 기도와 동참을 요청합니다.

관리자 2012-12-07 (금) 14:24 11년전 7662  
The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
Request for Prayer and Support from World Partner Churches
On this Advent Season, we pray in the grace of Jesus Christ together with the support and cooperation of Christian churches around the world to achieve abundant life, peace and justice in the world. We call and intercede for your prayers and action for the members of the clergy from Protestant denominations in Korea who have been imprisoned for bearing witness to their faith in the God of justice, peace and abundant life. As global partners, we are pleading for your prayers and request your participation in the campaign for their immediate release from prison through a petition. Also, we enjoin you in our prayers for a peaceful and orderly election process during the Korean 18th presidential election slated for December 19, 2012. With your prayers and encouragement we hope that the nation will be able to elect a president who will lead our people to the awareness of the sacred value of life, work for enduring and sustaining just-peace.
1. Please join our prayers and support our urgent petition for the release of Reverend Han Sang Ryul to receive a special amnesty to spend Christmas with his beloved family and church members, and support our urgent petition to the Ministry of Justice calling for his ultimate release. Also, please continue to pray and support activities for peace of the Korean Peninsula and for reunification of North and South Korea.
Reverend Han Sang Ryul is a PROK pastor who participated in the 1980 May 18th Democracy Uprising in Gwangju and became dedicated to various democratic and reunification movements.
The division of South and North Korea causes an ongoing situation of conflict and danger of war. In 2010 Reverend Han Sang Ryul participated in fasting and praying activities for the reconciliation and reunification of Korea. He confessed that South and North Korea are one body and following the voice of Christ who says, "Carry your cross and follow me", he supported the "6.15 South and North Korea Joint Declaration" for peaceful reunification. In support of the "6.15 South and North Korea Joint Declaration", he prayed a whole day and then went alone on a pilgrimage to North Korea to meet North Korean religious leaders and politicians there. During the pilgrimage he also carried out various activities for the reconciliation and reunification of North and South Korea.
When Reverend Han Sang Ryul finished his North Korean Pilgrimage after around 70 days of walking and returned to South Korea, the government sentenced him to 3 years in prison for "visiting North Korea without permission of the Ministry of Reunification and supporting the North Korean social structure".  Due to his prolonged imprisonment, his ministry has been halted and he has been enduring the hardship of prison until today. Our church appreciates Reverend Han Sang Ryul's confession of faith and prayer. He accomplished his North Korean Pilgrimage following the example of Jesus Christ in this world. He went on his pilgrimage, fulfilling his duties as a pastor and convinced that as a person of faith he has to follow the call of Christ.
2. Please participate in the urgent petition for the release of Reverend Jung Yeon-Kil, support our efforts and participate in the prayer for integrity and restoration of God's creation.
In the wake of obstructing the construction of a naval base near Gangjeong Village at the southern coast of the beautiful island of Jeju, the Reverend Jung Yeon-Kil, a Methodist minister, was confined to prison on September 6, 2012 by the government. Jeju Island is the pride of our country and selected as UNESCO biosphere reserve, world natural heritage and a world geology park due to its being blessed with outstanding natural treasures, but the defense of God’s creation has been taken as defiance to government policy.
Concerned that the naval base construction on Jeju may foster arms race in Northeast Asia and may trigger a military conflict on the Korean Peninsula, the citizens of Gangjeong village and several environmental organizations formed a movement to obstruct the naval base construction. During the protest actions, the government, navy and the police have acted with unrestrained violence and many villagers, peace activists and members of religious groups have been wounded and arrested.
Reverend Jung Yeon-Kil devoted himself in opposing the construction of the naval base when he saw the ongoing injuries and the pain of Gangjeong Village, and felt that the "God’s creation and the natural resources are suffering from destructive exploitation. The citizens of Gangjeong Village, share the injuries and pain as well". He was arrested during protest action opposing the naval base construction.
The behavior of the Korean government lacks any basic understanding and consideration of the concerns of religious groups and faith organizations, and is obviously suppressing religious groups. Therefore the urgent petition for the release of Reverend Jung Yeon-Kil has been prepared. Please support our effort and participate in the prayer for integrity and restoration of God's creation as well as in the petition for the release of the Reverend Jung Yeon-Kil.
3. Please pray for the 18th Korean Presidential Elections
On December 19, 2012 the 18th Korean presidential elections will take place. Since the election of the winner of the last presidential elections, Lee Myung Bak, Korea has experienced times of conflict and crisis during his term of government. The construction of the "Four Rivers Project" was recklessly carried out, causing tremendous destruction to God's creation, the freedom of press was suppressed and human rights and public welfare declined. Furthermore, the Mount Keumgang tourism project was interrupted and the attack on Yeonpyeong Island threatened efforts for the amicable reconciliation and cooperation of South and North Korea, which were being established for a long time and collapsed in one moment. The continuing conflict on the Korean Peninsula has been fostered as well as the persistent danger of war.
During the last 5 years the persistent efforts to maintain democratization as well as peace and justice on the Korean Peninsula has experienced substantial drawbacks, and the fruits of economic growth have not reached all parts of the society - on the contrary public welfare has been degraded.
Therefore this 18th presidential election provides the chance to choose a way towards life, peace and justice, as well as human rights and public welfare; a way towards a flourishing new future and an advancing society. If this important and historic chance is missed, the way will lead further into degradation.
Our church denomination is sincerely praying that the 18th presidential elections will allow for a change towards a new way. This may be the starting point of a way towards life, peace and justice and a new perception of the value of efforts toward restoration. Thus we encourage all members of our denomination to remind all church members on the Sunday just before the elections to make use of their right to vote. We pray for a fair elections process and that many church members will participate in the voting. Let us pray together for the future of the Korean nation.
Finally, once more in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray together as a global network of Christians.
Thank you!
Rev. Na Hong-Kyoun
Rev. Bae Tae-Jin
General Secretary
November 27, 2012
Petition for Special Amnesty and the Ultimate Release of
Rev. Han Sang Ryul
Church Minister
Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea  
Rev. Jung Yeon-Kil
Church Minister
Korean Methodist Church
In partnership and solidarity with the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea we join in prayers and support this urgent petition to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea:
1.      To grant Rev. Han Sang-Ryul, a minister of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, a special amnesty to spend Christmas with his beloved family and church members and his ultimate release from detention as a prisoner of conscience. He was arrested in August of 2010 immediately after his return from his pastoral visit to Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
2.      To expedite the immediate release Rev. Jung Yeon-Kil, a minister, of the Korean Methodist Church.  He was arrested and consequently detained on September 6, 2012 for participating in the protest action against the construction of a naval base near Gangjeong Village Jeju Island. He opposed the construction of the naval base upon seeing the ongoing injuries and the pain of Gangjeong Village, and felt that the God’s creation and the natural resources are suffering from destructive exploitation.
We hereby affix our signatures to this petition to signify our unity and solidarity with the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea.
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세계 협력교단들의 기도와 동참을 요청합니다.
우리 주 예수그리스도의 은총이 세계 협력 교단들 위에 함께 하길 기도합니다.
이 땅에 생명과 평화, 정의를 이루기 위해 기도하며 노력해 온 우리교단은 이를 위해 노력하다 감옥에 갇힌 목회자의 석방을 위한 기도와 석방촉구 탄원운동에 세계 협력교단의 기도와 적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다. 또한 얼마 남지 않은 18대 대통령 선거가 공정한 선거로 진행되며, 생명과 평화, 정의의 가치를 실현할 후보가 당선될 수 있도록 함께 기도해 주길 부탁드립니다.
1. 한상렬 목사 석방 촉구 탄원에 동참해 주십시오.
우리교단 소속 목회자인 한상렬 목사는 5.18 광주민주화항쟁 참여를 비롯한 다양한 민주화운동, 통일운동에 헌신해왔습니다. 특별히 2010년에는 남과 북의 분단으로 인한 갈등과 전쟁위협이 지속되는 상황 속에서 남과 북의 화해와 통일을 위해 금식하며 기도하던 중, 6.15 남북공동선언을 살리고 평화통일의 십자가를 지고 나를 따르라.” 는 그리스도의 음성을 들었습니다. 그 후 한상렬 목사는 남과 북이 한 몸이라는 고백 아래 , 6.15 남북 공동선언이 하루 속히 이행되길 기도하며 홀로 북녘 순례의 길에 나서 북한의 종교지도자, 정치인들과 남과 북의 화해와 통일을 위한 다양한 활동을 펼쳤습니다. 하지만 70여 일 간의 북녘 순례를 마치고 돌아온 한상렬 목사는 “통일부 승인 없이 방북해 북한체제와 주체사상을 찬양했다.”는 이유로 징역 3, 자격정지 3년 형을 선고 받아 현재까지 옥고를 치르고 있습니다.
우리교단은 이러한 한상렬 목사의 신앙고백과 기도에 공감하며, 한 목사의 북녘 순례는 그리스도의 뜻을 이 땅에 이루기 위해 헌신해야 하는 목회자와 신앙인으로서 당연히 해야 할 일이라고 생각합니다. 때문에 한상렬 목사가 성탄절을 맞아 사랑하는 교회와 가족의 품으로 돌아갈 수 있길 기도하며, 법무부 장관에게 한상렬 목사 석방 촉구 탄원 운동을 펼치고 있습니다.
지금까지 한반도의 평화와 통일을 위한 기도와 후원에 동참해 온 귀 교회에서도 한상렬 목사 석방 촉구 탄원 운동에 적극 참여해 주시길 부탁드립니다.
2. 정연길 목사 석방 촉구 탄원에 동참해 주십시오.
기독교대한감리회 소속 목회자인 정연길 목사는 유네스코가 생물권보전지역, 세계자연유산, 세계지질공원으로 선정할 만큼 천혜의 자연경관을 자랑하는 제주도 강정마을에 건설될 해군기지 공사를 저지하다 지난 9 6일 구속되었습니다. 대한민국 정부는 동북아의 군비경쟁과 군사 분쟁의 원인이 될 해군기지를 제주도에 건설하기 위해 마을 주민과 환경단체 등 많은 반대에도 불구하고 불법적인 공사를 강행하고 있습니다. 이로 인해 강정마을의 생태계와 마을공동체는 파괴되고, 정부와 해군, 경찰의 불법적인 폭행과 연행 등으로 많은 주민과 평화운동가, 종교인들이 큰 고통을 당하고 있습니다. 정연길 목사는 계속되는 강정마을의 아픔과 고통을 보며, “강도 만나 신음하는 창조세계와 강정마을 주민의 아픔에 동참” 하는 마음으로 해군기지 건설 반대 활동 중 구속되었습니다. 우리교단은 이러한 대한민국 정부의 행동은 종교와 신앙, 성직자에 대한 기본적인 이해와 배려조차 없는 처사이며, 명백한 종교탄압이라고 생각하며 정연길 목사 석방 촉구 탄원 운동을 펼치고 있습니다. 하나님의 창조세계를 보전하고 회복하기 위해 노력해온 귀 교회에서도 정연길 목사 석방 촉구 탄원 운동에 적극 참여해 주시길 부탁드립니다.
3. 대한민국 18대 대통령 선거를 위해 기도해 주십시오.
2012 12 19일은 대한민국의 18번째 대통령을 뽑는 선거일입니다. 대한민국은 지난 17대 대통령선거를 통해 당선된 이명박 대통령과 정부의 임기 동안 많은 갈등과 위기를 겪어 왔습니다. 4대강 공사를 비롯한 무분별한 개발로 인해 하나님의 창조세계는 파괴되었으며 대량해고와 언론탄압 등 인권과 복지는 심각하게 후퇴했습니다. 또한 금강산 관광 중단, 연평도 포격 사태 등 오랜 시간 동안 어렵게 구축한 남과 북의 화해와 협력은 한 순간에 무너지고, 끊이지 않는 대립과 갈등으로 한반도는 또 다시 갈등과 전쟁위협이 커지고 있습니다.
꾸준히 지속되어 온 민주화와 한반도 평화 정착, 경제 발전의 결실들이 지난 5년 동안 한국사회의 제반 영역에서 사라지는 퇴행을 뼈아프게 경험하였습니다. 그렇기 때문에 이번 18대 대통령선거는 생명과 평화, 정의, 복지와 인권이 꽃피는 새로운 미래 사회로 전진할 것인가 아니면 다시 퇴행의 길로 주저앉을 것인가 하는 중요한 역사적 갈림길입니다.
우리교단은 18대 대통령선거를 통해 생명과 평화, 정의의 가치가 회복되고, 새로운 변화가 시작되길 간절히 기도하고 있습니다. 특별히 이를 위해 우리 교단은 투표일 직전의 주일을 ‘공정선거 주일’로 선포하고, 공정한 선거가 진행될 수 있도록 기도하며, 많은 교회와 성도들의 적극적인 투표참여를 요청할 계획입니다. 귀 교단에서도 대한민국 국민과 우리교단의 기도가 이루어질 수 있도록 함께 기도해 주시길 부탁드립니다.
다시 한 번 우리 주 예수그리스도의 은총이 세계 협력교단들 위에 함께 하길 기도합니다. 고맙습니다.
2012 11 27
한국기독교장로회 총회장 나홍균 목사
총회 총무 배태진 목사
※ 한상렬, 정연길 목사 석방 촉구 탄원 참여 방법 안내
한상렬 목사와 정연길 목사의 석방을 촉구하는 탄원서한을 대한민국 법무부와 청와대에 보내주시길 바랍니다.
1. 대한민국 법무부 Ministry of Justice Republic of Korea.
주소 : Building #5, Gwacheon Government Complex, Jungang-dong1, Gwacheon-si, Kyunggi-do. Republic of Korea
2. 대한민국 청와대
주소 : 1 Cheongwadae-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-820, Republic of Korea

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