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[365생명살림기도] 12월 11일(일) "생명평화 세상을 위하여"

관리자 (기타,총회본부,목사) 2016-12-13 (화) 15:26 7년전 1021  


•기장생태본부 [365일 생명살림기도]12월 11일(일)
"탈핵세상을 위하여" #TimeforCreation /  [365days of Prayer Campaign for Creation] Dec.11th. "for Nuclear Phase out-World"



생명의 하나님! 하나님이 창조하신 아름다운 세상이 탐욕과 착취로 병들어 가고 있습니다. 우리 생명의 동반자인 자연을 인간 탐욕의 산물인 핵폐기물에로부터 지켜주시옵소서. 핵폐기물이 인간과 자연의 생명을 완전히 파괴하고 멸망시키는 하나님의 적대자임을 알게 하시고 반핵평화의 길을 밝히는 작은 등불이 되게 하옵소서. 예수님의 이름으로 기도드립니다.


God of Life! The world you created beautifully is contaminated by human greed. Nature is destroyed for the sake of human profit and the land and rivers are polluted by human waste of all kinds. God! We confess that we exploit and devastate nature as we fail to acknowledge that humans and nature are originally one body and parts of the same sphere of life and that we are blinded by our egoistic attitude of thinking “it’s fine if only I live well”. Please forgive us as we confess our foolishness and greed under bitter tears. Have mercy on us. Let us take off from all our greed and grant us your grace that all life may live in peaceful coexistence. Lord, please help us especially to protect nature as our companion from nuclear waste that is the outcome of human greed. Nuclear waste is the antagonist of God that can ruin and substantially devastate the life of humanity and nature. Please let us become small lights that enlighten the way of a nuclear free peace. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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