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PROK Statement on the live-fire drill from Yeonpyeong

관리자 2010-12-20 (월) 22:48 14년전 12024  

Dear friends in the ecumenical community, _?xml_:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Greetings from PROK.


As you are aware, just one hour ago the South Korean military began the live-fire drill at Yeonpyeong Island. The Korean people are in the greater fear of another war. We desperately ask you to pray for us and the Korean peninsula as we are going through the most painful period.


In ecumenical solidarity,


Shin Seung-Min 

Executive Secretary,

Ecumenical Relations Department



December 20, 2010


PROK Statement


The live-fire drill of the South Korean government is driving the Korean peninsula toward a maelstrom of war. With a great concern on the current critical situation, the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) strongly condemns both the provocative decision of the South Korea and the vowed retaliation of the North Korea.


Holding the faith of peace as the Bible says “They will pound their swords and their spears into rakes and shovels; they will never make war or attack one another.” (Isaiah 2:4, Micah 4:3), the PROK strongly appeals to both governments and military authorities as follows:


1. South Korea must immediately stop the planned live-fire drill from the Yeonpyeong Island and North Korea must not undertake the ‘self-defensive strike’ accordingly.

2. Both governments must appoint special envoys to take measures to prevent a further clash in the West Sea and keep the peace in the Korean peninsula

3. Establish the ‘Special Peace and Co-operation Zone in the West Sea’ initiated by North and South Joint Declaration October 4, 2007, which is the only way to assure peace in the West Sea.

4. Hold the six party talks as soon as possible for conclusion of a Peace Treaty and build a Peace Regime to deter war and resolve tension


Jesus, who comes to the earth as the Lord of Peace, will give light to the Korean Peninsula overshadowed by clouds of war and the darkness of death. Peace in the Korean Peninsula is not a matter of choice but a matter of human survivor before anything else.


Celebrating the birth of Jesus this Christmas season, we commit ourselves to transform the Korean Peninsula into world of shalom and to cooperate with churches in Korea and all over the world for peace in Korean Peninsula. No matter how painful the way toward peace is, the PROK believes and prays that the Lord of Peace will lead us the way we should go.


Rev. Kim Jong-Soung                  Rev. Bae Tae-Jin

Moderator                                    General Secretary


Rev. Han Ki-Yang

Chairperson, Peace and Reunification Committee

The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea

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