March 19, 2009
Rev. Lala Rasendrahasina
Rev. Dr. Laurent Ramambason
Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar
B.P. 623 Antananarivo 101
Dear Rev. Lala Rasendrahasina and Rev. Dr. Laurent Ramambason,
On behalf of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), I express our prayerful and strong solidarity with the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar and all people of your nation as you face the difficult challenges of this very troubled time in your country. We are inspired by and thankful for the strength and courage of your Christian witness as you work, together with other churches in Madagascar, to bring reconciliation and understanding among your people.
We condemn all forms of violence by civilians and the military in Madagascar, knowing that violence brings only further violence. The political and social crisis must be resolved only through peaceful means. We were appalled to learn of the earlier detention of Rev. Lala Rasendrahasina, and we thank God for your safe release. We pray for the safety of all those who courageously lead the struggle for justice and peace, and for all our sisters and brothers of Madagascar.
We pray and trust that God unfailingly guide and strengthen you and the National Council of Churches and all the churches of Madagascar as you take a critical role in working for full democracy, justice, and peace in your nation.
In prayerful solidarity,
Rev. Bae Tae-Jin
General Secretary
The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
c.c. Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi, General Secretary, World Alliance of Reformed Churches
Rev. Des van der Water, General Secretary, Council for World Mission
Rev. Kim Chang-ju, PROK mission co-worker with FJKM