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관리자 2011-02-07 (월) 19:58 14년전 11063  

SOLIDARITY STATEMENT ON THE SITUATION IN EGYPT_?xml_:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


01 February 2011


We are deeply concerned and worried about the current political situation in Egypt which for the last five consecutive days since the 25th of January several thousands of Egyptians have been demonstrating on the streets of Alexandria and other key cities urging President Hosni Mubarak to step down from power. There are disturbing reports of increasing numbers of people being killed and more than 150 have been injured due to government’s use of force in dispersing and controlling the demonstrations. We are worried that when the current political situation is not resolved, human rights violations will increase and democratic processes will be jeopardized.


It is alarming to know that the government of President Hosni Mubarak has blocked and interrupted various means of communications such as the internet and cell phones which can lead to serious human rights violations of the people. We anticipate that whenever President Hosni Mubarak will not listen to the people there will be more casualties among the protesters and the people in general. We hope that human life, human rights and democracy will be protected and valued in this time of political crisis in Egypt.


The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) calls on President Hosni Mubarak to listen and follow the people’s demands and respect human rights of protesters. We do not want to have more casualties from among the people in protest. We urge the government to restore all democratic processes and let justice and peace reign in Egypt, in the Middle East and the world. We pray to God for peace and unity for the Egyptian people and we are expressing our solidarity to all the churches and religious communities in Egypt in these challenging times.



Rev. Bae Tae-Jin

General Secretary



Rev. Jeon Byeong-Seng


Church and Society Committee


The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK)

Academy House, San 76, Insudong, Kangbuk-gu

Seoul, Korea 142-714

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