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관리자 2011-02-23 (수) 22:08 13년전 11910  

STATEMENT ON THE SITUATION IN LIBYA_?xml_:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

23 February 2011


Dear friends in the partner churches,


Warm greetings from PROK!


With a grave concern for and solidarity with the people in Libya, we, the PROK, issued the following statement.


Let us pray together for peaceful and just transformation of the conflict in Libya.



Shin Seung-Min





Prayers and hope for peaceful and just transformation of the conflict in Libya.

23 February 2011


The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) is gravely concerned by the deterioration of the political situation in Libya. We have been informed that on Monday February 21, the government forces have cracked down violently on demonstrators, even using fighter jets to attack people on the ground in the capital Tripoli, while on Tuesday, the Libyan army deployed a large number of government security forces soldiers in Sabratah, west of the capital Tripoli, after protesters destroyed security services offices. Hundreds of protesters have been killed in the clashes for last few days. We are afraid that when the violent clashes between government forces and the protesters escalate, there will be more casualties from the civilian population.


We strongly condemn the use of force on the protesters that has already killed and maimed more than a hundred of them. The Libyan government must exercise restraint in dealing with the protesters. Together with the World Council of Churches and partner churches around the world we call on the Libyan government to respect the human rights of all people and begin the process to realize democracy in Libya. We urge the use of all peaceful means to end the violence, and also that efforts be made to ensure a future that brings peace with justice and security for all people. We believe that the goal of every government is to best serve the interests of its people and that their demands must be listened and responded to.


The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) joins faith communities around the world in fervent prayers and hope for peaceful and just transformation of the conflict in Libya.





General Secretary

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