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Solidarity Letter to Japan

관리자 2011-03-14 (월) 13:10 13년전 13350  

11 March 2011_?xml_:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Dear friends in the partner churches and ecumenical community,


Warm greetings from PROK!


With deep concern for and solidarity with partners in Japan which was severely hit by Tsunami today, we, PROK sent the following letter of solidarity.


Let us pray together for the people and churches in Japan.



Shin Seung-Min


March 11, 2011


Rev. Hiroko Ueda (NCCJ)

Rev. Tomeyuki Naito (UCCJ)

Rev. Hiroki Fujita (CCJ)

Rev. Hong Sung-Wan (KCCJ)

Mr. Y. Noguchi (Niwano Peace Foundation)



A letter of concern to brothers and sisters in Japan



With great alarm and sorrow we have been listening to the news about the severe tsunami that struck the northwest coast of Japan today, following the strong earthquake that took place off the coast.  This tsunami is a great tragedy, causing much destruction, but even worse, fear and heartache within your people, many who will suffer grief and shock throughout this time and in the days ahead. The members of the PROK send our sincere condolence and assurances of prayers to sustain you throughout this period.


Our ancestors in the faith endured such tragedies. Psalm 46 describes a situation when, “the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.”  But the people of faith were still able to say, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  We pray for community courage and faith for the people of Japan and particularly those communities in the path of these terrific and terrifying forces, that you will all know the strengthening presence of God surrounding you.


As our two countries are very close neighbours, we take this opportunity to reach out our hands to you in support.  If we can be of assistance in practical ways, please allow us to do so.






Rev. Bae Tae Jin

General Secretary

Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea

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