*From Niwano Peace Foundation
--------------- Original message -------------_?xml_:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
From : "Shin'ichi Noguchi"<snoguchi@npf.or.jp>
To : "prok3000"prok3000@chol.com
Date : Sat, 12 Mar 2011 22:55:43 +0900 (KST), Sat, 12 Mar 2011 22:55:43 +0900
Subject : Re: letter of concern
March 12th
Dear Rev. Bae Tae Jin,
I thank you very much for your message, and yours is so helpful for us to realize our friends' warm heart with us.
I am glad to inform you that all of our staff and their family are all right. Also I cannot hear any bad news about their properties or so.
Yesterday the office was shacked so much and staff went out to a park near our office. Then they went back to their home by foot, because all public transportation in and around Tokyo were stopped. For instance, our prgarm officer Mr. Nakano had to walk for six hours to his home.
Even if the earthquaceks was huge, the accident of Hukushima nuclear power plant is worst. Now its central part is melting like the case of Three Miles Island in USA in 1979(?), while Hukushima is about 200 kiloo away from Tokyo. In case of north wind, its nuclear ash will come to Tokyo. If wind goes to west, it will go to Pacific Ocean.
I hope I can send you a good news in next week. I thank you again for your kindness.
With my best regards,
Y. Noguchi
Niwano Peace Foundation
*From UCCJ
--------------- Original message -------------
From : "kato"<kato-sec@uccj.org>
To : "'prok3000'"<prok3000@chol.com>
Date : Sat, 12 Mar 2011 9:59:51 +0900 (KST), Sat, 12 Mar 2011 09:56:02 +0900
Subject : RE: Letter of concern
Dear Rev.Bae Tae Jin
We truly appreciate your deep sympathy for the gigantic earthquake that we never ever experienced.
As for churches in Tokyo are OK but in Sendai where the earthquake hit most severely, we are still not able to get contact with them.
Please keep on praying for us and as soon as we get exact information, let us inform you again.
Sincerely your in Christ
Makoto Kato
Kyodan executive Secretary for Ecumenical Ministries
On behalf of Rev.Hideo Ishibashi
UCCJ Moderator
* From CCJ
--------------- Original message -------------
From : "Yoshi Fujimori"<fujimori@calvin.jp>
To : <prok3000@chol.com>, "Carys Humphreys"<carys@mail.pct.org.tw>
Date : Fri, 11 Mar 2011 23:4:10 +0900 (KST), Fri, 11 Mar 2011 23:03:48 +0900
Subject : Re: PROK
Our friends in Christ,
I'm forwarding the message from our moderator Rev. Kazuo Inoue. We
appreciate very much for your concerns.
Yoshi Fujimori
Secretary for International Affairs
The Committee on Ecumenical Relations
The Church of Christ in Japan
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
We would like to express our deepest appreciation for your concerns
and prayers regarding the devastating earthquake which occurred this
afternoon in Japan. Due to the disruption in communication systems, we
are still unable to reach our congregations in Tohoku are where the
damage was the most severe, but we'll keep you updated as soon as we
gather some more information.
We thank you again for your prayers and communion in Christ.
Rev. Kazuo Inoue
The Church of Christ in Japan
2011/3/11 井上一雄 :
> 「主にある兄弟..姉妹の皆さま
> 3月11日に起きた、東北地方の地震と津波による災害に..して、その地域の人..と
> 私達の....をご心配いただき、心から感謝いたします。現在、通信の集中と混..に
> よってこの地域の....と連絡が取れない..態にあります。正確な情報が入りましたら
> またご連絡いたします。
> 皆さまのお祈りと主にあるお交わりに感謝して......。大..議長 井上一雄」
* From NCCJ
--------------- Original message -------------
From : "UEDA"<htueda@mx1.ttcn.ne.jp>
To : "'prok3000'"<prok3000@chol.com>
Date : Sun, 13 Mar 2011 21:47:34 +0900 (KST), Sun, 13 Mar 2011 21:47:23 +0900
Subject : RE: Solidarity Letter to Japan
Dear Rev. Bae Tae-Jin
Thank you so much your sincere letter for us.
We released the attached appeal.
Thank you again for your prayer.
In Christ,
Hiroko Ueda
NCCJ Emergency Appeal for Relief of Earthquake Victims
In the name of our Lord, the Suffering Servant, we bring to you the overwhelming needs of our fellow citizens who have suffered great loss of life and property in the series of record-breaking earthquakes and huge tsunami that have inundated a wide swath of communities along the northeast coastline of Japan.
We are still in the early stages of assessing the damages, but have been encouraged and strengthened by the many messages of support from Christian brothers and sisters all over the world. Our immediate request is for you to keep us in your prayers as we take the first steps in the process of coordinating a network of local support for those most severely affected.
This will require a major effort that will move from emergency to longer-term recovery. At the earliest possible date, we will be contacting you with the details of our relief program and the best way to remit any emergency funds or other aid.
With the breakdown of communications in the areas most affected, we are still working on ways of confirming the safety of so many of our colleagues. In the meantime, we ask for your understanding of our situation and want you to know how grateful we are for your expressions of support and solidarity.
On behalf of all our member Churches and Christian organizations in Japan.
Rev. Isamu Koshiishi, Moderator,
National Christian Council in Japan (NCCJ)
Send all enquiries to:
March 12, 2011