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Press Conference for the Korea Peace Appeal Campaign

관리자 (기타,총회본부,목사) 2022-03-17 (목) 14:20 2년전 841  

Press Conference for the Korea Peace Appeal Campaign

*Due to COVID-19, a limited number of guests and reporters were able to gather to hold the event 

Date: February 8, 2022 (2 pm)

Location: Joy Hall, National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK)

At the 106th PROK General Assembly, a resolution to join and sign the Korea Peace Appeal campaign till July 2023, the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement, was passed. 

Organized by the Peace and Unification Committee of the General Assembly, a press conference was held to declare an end to the Korean War and announce the efforts to become a church of peace, confessing that the Korean church has lived as a prisoner of hatred and confrontation amid the limitations of the Armistice Agreement. 

For this signature movement to become a practical practice, the adoption of the “Declaration of Abandonment of Property Rights in North Korea for Inter-Korean Reconciliation” and the establishment of a “Reconciliation & Peace Church,” passed during the 106th General Assembly, were introduced during the press conference. 

Please join the Korea Peace Appeal campaign to call for an end to the Korean War. 

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