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39th Environmental Awareness Week & Green Exodus Relay Prayer

관리자 (기타,총회본부,목사) 2022-05-25 (수) 11:02 2년전 917  

On the first Sunday of June (June 5), we celebrate the 39th Environmental Awareness Week. Since 1982, churches within the NCCK have celebrated Environmental Awareness Week every year. This year’s theme is “Green Churches Restoring the Created World - A Call for Carbon Neutrality in the Age of the Climate Crisis.” It will emphasize the role and practice of the Korean church in moving toward a carbon-neutral society and overcoming the climate crisis. 

Along with the theme is this year’s scripture, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed” (Romans 8: 18-19). 

For the occasion of Environmental Awareness Week, the PROK Ecological Community Movement Center will hold a Green Exodus Relay prayer meeting for the practice of carbon neutrality. 

Please join us on a Sunday worship in June by reading a  joint prayer and a statement of commitment to action.

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