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Visit of the Indonesian Council of Churches General Headquarters

관리자 (기타,총회본부,목사) 2024-05-29 (수) 16:07 5개월전 420  

Visit of the Indonesian Council of Churches General Headquarters

On May 28, 2024, the Indonesian Council of Churches executives visited the General Assembly headquarters.

Gomar Gultom, President of the Council of Churches in Indonesia (CCI)

(Gomar Gultom) and immediate past president and current World Council of Churches (WCC)

Rev. Dr. Henriette T.H. Lebang, Asia Chairman, and 35 representatives visited the General Assembly Offices. It was a nice exchange of ideas and opinions regarding the ministry of PROK churches.

The Indonesian delegation consists of the Executive Council and spouses.

Executive Board

Moderator: Rev. Gomar Gultom (HKBP, Batak Christian Protestant Church)

General Secretary: Rev. Jacklevyn F. Manuputty (GPM, Protestant Church in Moluccas)



Rev. Alfred Djama Samani (ordained, GKS, Christian Church in Sumba)

Rev. Dr Lintje H. Pellu (woman, GMIT, Evangelical Christian Church in Timor)

Rev. Dr Bambang Widjaja (scholar, GKPB, New Testament Christian Church)

Mr. Olly Dondokambey (lay, GMIM Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa)


Treasurer: Rev. Dr. Jacub Sutisna (GBIS, Full Gospel Christian Church)

Vice treasurer: Arie S. Moningka (GKII)

Vice GS: Rev. Krise Anki Gosal (GMIM)



Rev. Retno Ratih Handayani (GKJ, Javanese Christian Churhces)

Abdiel F. Tanias (GMIT)

Rev. Julianus Mojau (GMIH, Evangelical Christian Church in Halmahera)

Rev. Karyanto Gunawan (GKKK)



Advisory Board

Chair: Rev. Dr Henriette T.H. Lebang (Toraja Church)

Secretary: Rev. Dr Zakarias Ngelow (GKSS, Christian Church in South Sulawesi)



Rev. Dr A.A. Yewangoe (GKS)

Rev. Andrikus Mofu (GKI Tanah Papua)

Prof. John Titaley (GPIB, the Protestant Church in Western Indonesia)



Internal Audit

Chair: Rev. Kumala Setiabrata (GKY)

Secretary: Eld. Gonti Manalu (HKI)



Eld. Katarina Tombi (Toraja Church)

Rosiana Purnomo


Executive Staff:

Pdt. Jimmy Sormin (GPIB)

Pdt. Lenta Simbolon (HKI) ________ SEST 1기 졸업생

Pdt. Henrek Lokra (GPM)

Pdt. Sonnya Uniplaita (GPI Papua)

Pdm. Rosiana Purnomo (GIA, the Church of Jesus Christ in Indonesia)

Pdt. Shuresj Tomaluweng (GPM)

Pdt. Ronald Tapilatu (GKI Tanah Papua)

Winny Malo (GKI, Christian Protestant Church)

Waryanto (Moslem)

Angel Sambow (GPIB)

Gabriella Silaban (HKBP)


Partners of the members:

Loli Simanjuntak (wife of Rev Gomar)

Louise Maspaitella (wife of Rev Jacklevyn)

Sandra Moningka (wife of Arie Moningka)

Janes Rotti (husband of Krise Gosal)

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