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The Vice-President of the Hungarian Reformed Church, Karoli Kasper University visited the General Assembly

관리자 (기타,총회본부,목사) 2024-07-04 (목) 10:26 2개월전 197  
The Vice-President of the Hungarian Reformed Church, 
Karoli Kasper University visited the General Assembly

The Rev. Peter Bala, vice-president of the Hungarian Reformed Church, 
Karoli Kasper University visited the General Assembly offices. 
Rev. Dr. Bala affirmed the exchange and missionary cooperation 
between the two established denominations (PROK & HRC) and affiliated universities 
and seminaries. We further discussed the students' exchange and scholarship 
projects with the Hanshin Graduate School of Theology.
As an alumna of Edinburgh, Rev. Bala and I shared a lot of ideas, traditions, 
and visions. 
We had a wonderful conversation.

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